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Aiming to: 

Promote relaxation, improve mobility and reduce pain

I started my interest in bodywork 6 years ago after finding myself with a shoulder injury and in pain, I discovered MFR through a therapist friend who enabled me to get out of pain and I found it led to a profound change in my physical awareness.  This inspired me to train, both in Massage and MFR.  The sensitivity, interconnectedness, and holistic approach of fascia work, gently resolving root causes of disfunction, continually inspires my practice.


I am passionate about Fascia and love working with people and doing this work, and have seen clients experience both physical changes and profound emotional releases.


What is Myofascial Release (MFR)? 

MFR is an extremely effective "hands on" therapy for the treatment of chronic injuries, pain discomfort and reduced mobility as well as for emotional holding patterns. It is safe, gentle and effective, and for many patients who have "tried everything" MFR can provide welcome relief. It aims to treat injury at its source by focusing on the fascia within the body which allows the patient to heal at a deeper level. The techniques use gentle, sustained hands-on pressure into the body (without using oil) for a minimum of 120 seconds or more. 


Fascia plays a crucial role in the support of our bodies. It is the connective tissue that exists from head to toe without interruption. Covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as all the internal organs, the fascia connects all parts of the body. Physical and emotional trauma, repetitive movements, poor posture and surgical procedures all contribute to fascial restrictions. 

With the help of the therapist the patient learns to bring their attention into their body and begins to feel what is going on inside their body as restrictions are released (fascia cannot be forced).  The therapist works with the patient at all times, engaging them in the treatment.

Without feeling there is no healing


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